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Seo Audit

If your ideal clients and audience cannot find you, your business isn’t making as much impact as it can. Search Engine Optimization is a crucial part of online marketing, and without it, your business risks getting lost in the void of online searches.

At Dabaran, our comprehensive SEO audit service begins with onsite optimization. Our SEO team works from the root up to understand your online business and what it would most benefit from. During the SEO audit, we discover what works and what doesn’t, so that we know exactly what your company’s needs are.

This process includes finding out how your online presence matches up with that of your competitors and discovering your website’s weaknesses. With this information, we can develop an SEO plan that covers any aspects that need to be changed, improved or discarded altogether.

Some of the factors that affect your SEO efforts are keywords, page titles, user experience (UX) and general content issues. And since SEO can be an extremely technical field, it’s essential that you get a reputable SEO agency to make the best of your company’s website. We don’t expect you to know everything about it or what exactly you need from it.

That’s what we are here for: to give you the direction and expertise your business needs.

The underlying premise of SEO audits is that you can’t improve on something if you don’t fully understand the problem. Because Dabaran is solution-oriented, we believe in knowing exactly what we are working with. As a veteran SEO audit consultant, we’ll use the insight gained from the audit to implement strategies that drive the right traffic to your website, making your business accessible to its ideal clients.

While SEO audits are notorious for being too technical, resource-intensive, and time-consuming, our SEO audit agency is here to help you every step of the way!

We usually begin with a website crawl and then move on to finding any hosting errors, indexing errors, and link quality issues. Once we know what’s holding your site back from achieving higher rankings, we’ll report our findings and suggest solutions.

Run an SEO audit to identify performance bottlenecks

Not all SEO issues are equally damaging to your website ranking. Often, performance bottlenecks are caused by a few, big issues.

We are well versed in the common issues that affect a website’s ranking. So we check for them right at the start of our SEO audit. For instance, we’ll check if multiple versions of your website URL are browsable. Ideally, only one version should be browsable while all other permutations of the URL should automatically redirect to the correct version.

Our SEO experts also check for indexing errors. We know from experience that many sites do not have all of their pages indexed on Google. If your pages are not indexed, they are just sitting there doing nothing. Identifying noindex pages is the first step. Then we can offer guidance on how to remedy the situation.

We also use robust website-crawling tools to find any other major SEO issues on your website. For instance, your site may have duplicate content issues, unlinked pagination pages or thin content.

Have experts manually audit your on-page SEO

We use best-in-class software tools for a thorough SEO audit.

We also conduct manual searches to check for any common on-page SEO issues.

For instance, if your brand name is too generic, it may not show up at the top of search results. So we usually check if your website is ranking at the top for your brand name. If not, it’s a sign that you need to work on strengthening your brand’s online presence. This might mean adding your website to Google My Business, running a PR campaign, or strengthening your brand’s social media presence.

Our experts will also manually check that:

  • All your site’s pages have a unique, well-written, and enticing title tag.
  • Your meta descriptions are optimized with the right keywords.
  • Your web pages have an H1 tag and enough H2s and H3s.

Little things like this can make a huge difference when it comes to making your website rank higher on Google.

Get reports on how you perform against competitors

Our SEO audit will also help you compare your online presence to that of your competitors. Maybe your competitor ranks for a certain keyword but you don’t. Or maybe you want to know how many high-value back links your competitor has. We will give you detailed reports on how you perform against your competitors in terms of link building, content quality, page loading speed, organic search traffic, ranking and growth. These reports can help measure your performance plan for your SEO accordingly.

Get in touch with us to get started on an SEO campaign that contributes to the growth and success of your business!

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