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Dabaran will review your top competitors to ensure that our SEO campaign delivers better and more sustainable results. After all, without competitors, there would be no need for an SEO strategy in the first place. Competitor analysis services include the comprehensive research of the keywords, links and content of other companies vying for your customers. It allows us to emulate and eventually augment the best elements of your competitors’ SEO to put you a cut above the rest. Instead of shooting in the dark and hoping for the best, SEO competitor research allows us to see what works for others and what we can do better.

Powerful Research for Powerful Results

Competitor site analysis provides insight into who your competitors really are, what questions you should be answering, and what keywords we should target. We use your competitors’ strengths and weaknesses to identify gaps in your SEO strategy, giving us the most valuable data on which to base all of our efforts.

Find the Real Competitors

To most business owners, competitors are the companies that offer the same products and services. While this is true to a certain extent, we tend to look at things from a different perspective. In the world of SEO, your true competitors are businesses that rank for your top keywords in search engines. By identifying this competition, we get to know what you’re really up against.

There may be businesses that provide the same product or service as you, but in the online space, the ones that really matter are the those that compete for the same keywords, and the ones that rank above you.

Identify Keyword Gaps

Once we know who your competitors are, our team works to identify the high-ranking keywords that you are lacking, along with search terms you have in common with competitors that need a little boost. Comparing multiple competitors gives us a full picture and a better overall analysis. We seek out the most valuable keywords for your business, as well as ways that you could better rank for them. Usually, competitors can rank for hundreds or thousands of keywords, so we prioritize the kinds of keywords that are most relevant to your operations and your audience. This helps us to come up with the most impactful solutions. Here, we identify the biggest opportunities for your business, and take effective steps to making the best of them.

Create Better Content

Apart from improving the use of keywords in your website’s content, Dabaran looks at the kind of content that your competitors are benefitting from. Their top performing content is a great indicator of what is shareable and what earns more links. With links being one of the biggest ranking factors in SEO, we carefully analyze the content that people like to link to. By discovering the competition’s top content, we’re able to make informed decisions as to the kind of content that your audience loves, and can promote it to the ideal groups.

Earn Links

Just as we identify keyword gaps, we also use competitor link analysis to find linking opportunities. We understand that the websites linked to your competitors are interested in the kind of content you have potential to produce. This means that competitor analysis is an essential part of our link building strategy, too. Without it, we wouldn’t be able to earn links from high authority sites.

Gain a better understanding of your business

Competitor analysis is more than just about looking at your competition. All of the insights gained are part of understanding your business’ place in the greater ecosystem of the world wide web. Not only does this data help boost your online presence and make you visible to your ideal clients, but it gives a complete picture of what your audience needs from you, and how you can create a better experience for them.

Don’t leave your SEO to chance. Let us work with you to create a campaign that makes you stand out amongst your competitors!

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