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Seo Audit

Through on page and off page optimization, we help 501(c) charities of all sizes with nonprofit SEO so they can drive more volunteers and generate donations online.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a smart idea for your non-profit in today’s age. SEO is an integral aspect of most for-profit businesses, and non-profit SEO can be just as important when considering your online reach. Optimizing your nonprofit’s website for search engine performance can increase your visibility and in turn, increase your donations. At Dabaran, we believe every non-profit can benefit from an SEO audit.

These days, search engines are the preferred method for finding and engaging businesses of all kinds. People will reach for their mobile phone or laptop to find everything from a pizza to a mortgage. A potential donor or volunteer is going to seek out a nonprofit in a similar fashion. SEO can benefit nonprofits by making them appear more often and higher up the rankings of search engine results. This gets more eyes on your website, which gets your message out to more people.

The latest numbers from Google back up the statement that SEO is one of the most important tools for online commerce in 2022. Nine out of ten clicks on a Google search result are from the first page of returns. Now more than ever, it is important for your organization to be on that first page. Our team is ready to build an aggressive SEO strategy that could do a lot for inciting volunteer participation and raising awareness, along with donations, around particular issues. This should be reason enough to explore SEO for non-profits.

However altruistic your reasons for running a nonprofit, it is important to remain realistic. The main reason to make sure your web presence is optimized for search engines is to increase online donations. Many not-for-profit entities are reporting that year on year, more people are donating online. It is becoming clear that sooner or later, all nonprofits are going to be getting most of their donations from people who engage them through a search engine first. Here at Dabaran, we are ready to help all the non-profits we can. We are passionate about philanthropy, and we have the know-how to help you raise more money.

SEO is a great way for nonprofits to increase their profile locally, nationally, and beyond. An important aspect of search engine optimization is that it works most effectively on a local level. When people use search engines, often they are looking for goods or services that are nearby. When someone in Chicago is looking for a mechanic, they will search, “best Chicago mechanic.” The same is true when a prospective donor or volunteer searches for “Chicago food bank near me.” Making sure your website is optimized will direct more people in your community to your nonprofit. SEO for non-profits raises your profile in the community you serve, whether it be locally or nationally.

SEO could also help if you are looking to scale up your nonprofit to reach a wider audience. This can be done by including broader keywords and building backlinks to high traffic websites that are farther flung than your local area. This can help your nonprofit go from being a regional institution to a national or even an international one. If your organization is ready to go big, or you just want to reach more people with your message and attract more patrons, non profit SEO is a great place to start.

Not only is SEO a good idea for increasing your organization’s profile, but it can also be great value for cost conscious organizations. Better SEO agencies, like Dabaran, can offer full-service content production to help get your nonprofit’s word out. On-site, our team can develop keywords and meta tags that search engines value. Off-site, we can create articles and blog posts that will draw more clicks to your nonprofit from high traffic sites. The value comes in when you realize this great, white-hat SEO content can be used as marketing material for your organization.

Dabaran knows that many non-profits have to work on a tight budget at the best of times. Our SEO plans can be re-deployed as marketing material, so you can maximize your optimization investment. We also offer month-to-month contracts, so you don’t have to feel pressured about committing your precious resources to a long investment.

A good SEO agency knows how to maximize an online profile for corporations. The same practices can be applied for non-profits. The only change is the objective. Instead of profits, we can get your potential volunteers engaged, get the issues important to you more attention and drive your donations higher than ever before.